Cock Rings

We have a selection of cheap cock rings to improve your sexual experience, giving you harder erections, vibrations and stimulating both of you at the same time. Penis rings come in an array of sizes to fit you perfectly at the base of your penis or you can opt for a tighter fitting ring to allow for a harder erection. If you fancy something a bit more exciting, you could try our vibrating cock rings with added features such as rim stimulators or butt plugs. If you’re feeling extra adventurous and are interested in passion taking over, let somebody else take charge with our remote controlled cock rings.

  • Viceroy Perineum Dual Silicone Cock Ring

    Product On Sale

    £28.00 £26.60
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  • Viceroy Reverse Endurance Silicone Cock Ring

    Product On Sale

    £32.00 £30.40
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  • Viceroy Reverse Stamina Silicone Cock Ring

    Product On Sale

    £32.00 £30.40
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